

EN10219 S355J0 ERW Mild Steel Pipe

We, HYSP, only produce API 5L GRADE B ERW Line Pipe, ASTM A53 GRADE B fuline pipe, we also manufacture EN10219 S355J0 ERW Mild Steel Pipe for structural applications. Just becuase it’s used as structural use, then it will require more about the mechanical properties of EN10219 S355J0 ERW Mild Steel Pipe. Below let’s see the tensile test and impact test for EN10219 mild steel pipe.

Tensile tests

The tensile test of EN10219 S355J0 ERW Mild Steel Pipe shall be carried out in accordance with EN 10002-1.
For the specified yield strengths of EN10219 S355J0 ERW Mild Steel Pipe in Tables A.3, B.4 and B.5, the upper yield strength (ReH) shall be determined.
If a yield phenomenon is not present, the 0,2 % proof strength non-proportional extension (Rp0,2) or the 0,5 % proof strength total extension (Rt0,5) shall be determined. In cases of dispute, the 0,2 % proof strength (Rp0,2) shall apply.
If a non-proportional test piece is used, the percentage elongation value obtained after fracture (A) shall be converted to the value for a gauge length Lo = 5,65 √ So using the conversion tables given in EN ISO 2566-1.

For EN10219 S355J0 ERW Mild Steel Pipe with thicknesses less than 3 mm the percentage elongation may be reported for a gauge length of 80 mm or 50 mm.

Impact tests

The impact test of shall be carried out in accordance with EN 10045-1. In addition, the following requirements shall


  • a) The average value of a set of three test pieces shall be equal to or greater than the specified value. One

  • individual value may be below the specified value, provided that it is not less than 70 % of that value;

  • b) If the conditions under a) are not satisfied then an additional set of three test pieces may be taken, at the

  • discretion of the manufacturer, from the same sample and tested. To consider the test unit as conforming after testing the second set, the following conditions shall all be satisfied simultaneously:

1) The average value of the six tests shall be equal to or greater than the minimum specified value;

2) Not more than two of the six individual values may be lower than the minimum specified value;

3) Not more than one of the six individual values may be lower than 70 % of the minimum specified value.

  • c) If these conditions are not satisfied, the sample product is rejected and retests shall be carried out on the remainder of the test unit (see 9.5).

EN10219 S355J0 ERW Mild Steel Pipe

