

API 5L SPEC for Line Pipe (6) - Delivery condition

API 5L SPEC Delivery condition

For each order item, the delivery condition for PSL 1 pipes shall be at the option of the manufacturer unless a specific delivery condition is specified in the purchase order. Delivery conditions shall be as given in API 5L 44th Tables 1 and 3.
For PSL 2 pipes, the delivery condition shall be in accordance with the purchase order as specified in the steel name. 
PSLDelivery conditionPipe grade/steel gradea,b
PSL 1As-rolled, normalizing rolled, normalized or normalizing formedL175 or A25
L175P or A25P
L210 or A
As-rolled, normalizing rolled, thermomechanical rolled, thermomechanical formed, normalizing formed, normalized, normalized and tempered; or, if agreed, quenched and tempered for SMLS pipe onlyL245 or B
As-rolled, normalizing rolled, thermomechanical rolled, thermomechanical formed, normalizing formed, normalized, normalized and tempered or quenched and temperedL290 or X42
L320 or X46
L360 or X52
L390 or X56
L415 or X60
L450 or X65
L485 or X70
PSL 2As-rolledL245R or BR
L290R or X42R
Normalizing rolled, normalizing formed, normalized or normalized and temperedL245N or BN
L290N or X42N
L320N or X46N
L360N or X52N
L390N or X56N
L415N or X60N
Quenched and temperedL245Q or BQ
L290Q or X42Q
L320Q or X46Q
L360Q or X52Q
L390Q or X56Q
L415Q or X60Q
L450Q or X65Q
L485Q or X70Q
L555Q or X80Q
Thermomechanical rolled or thermomechanical formedL245M or BM
L290M or X42M
L320M or X46M
L360M or X52M
L390M or X56M
L415M or X60M
L450M or X65M
L485M or X70M
L555M or X80M
Thermomechanical rolledL625M or X90M
L690M or X100M
L830M or X120M
For intermediate grades, the steel grades shall be as agreed, but consistent with the above format. 
The suffix (R, N, Q or M) for PSL 2 grades belongs to the steel grade.

Source : http://www.hysteelpipe.com/portfolio/api-5l-spec-line-pipe-6-delivery-condition/

