

US Conduct AD Duties on Nippon Steel

Reuters reported that the US Commerce Department confirmed duties on some steel products from Japan after a complaint that imports of diffusion annealed, nickel plated flat rolled steel were being sold at unfairly low prices in the US.

Products from world No.two steel producer Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation will have a dumping margin of 77.7%, while other companies, Toyo Kohan Company inclusive have a margin of 45.42%. 

The complaint was filed by Thomas Steel Strip Corporation, a division of Indian conglomerate TATA Steel.

Announcing its final decision, the Commerce Department said in 2013, imports of diffusion annealed, nickel plated flat rolled steel, used in batteries and fuel lines, from Japan were estimated at USD 12.6 million.

Source – Reuters

US Conduct AD Duties on Nippon Steel

